Zen Shiatsu
Within Chinese medicine, it's believed that there are meridians of energy that run throughout our entire body that help with all...
Acupuncture for Depression and Anxiety
Did you know that acupuncture can have a significant affect on your mood? Many people who have received an acupuncture treatment report...
Inner Pass, Outer Pass
An acupuncture point on the Pericardium channel known as PC6 (or Nei Guan “Inner Pass”) and a point on the Triple Warmer channel known as...
Cold Water: Your Unknown Nemesis
One of the biggest, and potentially easiest, changes you can make to your health is to stop drinking cold water and beverages. This may...
Turmeric: The Golden Healer
Many people recognize turmeric as a common ingredient used in Indian and Thai cuisine. And while it is a delicious spice, there is much...
Jade Windscreen: An Ancient Formula for Fortifying the Immune System
Imagine your body is protected by a beautiful, green screen that filters out invaders such as allergens and viruses. The 800 year old...
Re-Learning to Breathe: An Easy Step Towards Relaxation
One of the simplest methods of relaxation comes back to that fundamental function we are all performing every minute of every day:...
What is Acupuncture?
An Ancient Healing Art Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese technique used to promote the body’s natural healing processes. It is a safe and...